![]() I'm super excited to be interviewed! Feel free to check it out and learn more about what drives all the projects I work on: https://canvasrebel.com/meet-erica-putis/
I’m super exited to be in my first art exhibition in Tucson, AZ! I haven’t shown my work in a few years so it feels good to get back into the artist swing of things. Hope to see you there if you are in the area! 2024 Community Foundation Campus Group Art Show
Join us for an evening of food, wine, and local art at the Community Foundation Campus as we celebrate the installation of more than 60 new pieces of art created by local Southern Arizona artists. What: Campus Art Reception When: Thursday, April 4th | 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM Where: Community Foundation Campus | 5049 E. Broadway Blvd. The art will be available to view throughout the coming year by appointment or at your next Campus meeting or event. CFSA is proud to offer this opportunity to local artists at no cost and receives no commission on artists’ sales. To RSVP visit: cfsaz.org/event/campus-art-reception/ So exciting! Got word that my song, "Side Grit" will be played on my local alternative station, WEQX's, local music show, EQXposure, on Sunday 5/21/23, between 7 - 9 pm, in support of it's video release! There is a tab to listen live on their website: https://www.weqx.com/ Hope you can tune in! ![]() So exciting! Got word that my song, "On Hold" will be played on my local alternative station, WEQX, twice on Friday! Be sure to tune into their local Music Show EQXposure and listen at 11am and 11pm! There is a tab to Listen Live on their website: https://www.weqx.com/ The Artist Unmasked – PODCAST dustydawnart.com/theartistunmasked/erica-putis Nov 26, 2019 Erica Orr took time out of her busy schedule to interview me! It was so much fun and I was so amazed at her talent for interviewing and her support of the local art scene. She is a true creative in her own right and I hope you enjoy the podcast! If you want to support her podcast, please join her patreon account:
www.patreon.com/theartistunmasked You can find this and other awesome podcasts with Erica Orr at these locations: Apple Podcasts – http://bit.ly/ApplePodcastsTAU Stitcher – http://bit.ly/StitcherTAU Google Play – http://bit.ly/GooglePlayTAU Overcast – http://bit.ly/OvercastTAU |
Erica Putis
Making handmade products, acting, creating original music, writing books and painting! Archives
May 2024